Get Your Foggy Window Repaired
Got fogged up glass windows? Nick’s Glass & Mirrors will fix your foggy window fast, honest and professionally. In most cases a damaged window seal is responsible for vapor condensation to build up in-between your dual pane windows and will most likely need to be replaced. Generally only the double pane glass in side the frame needs replacing without the need to install an entire window unit. As the window seal wears down over time, in-between the glass builds up moisture, in which your window loses visibility and becomes an eye soar which means it’s time for the glass to be replaced. We offer all types of double pane window selections and sizes and can install a new dual pane window quickly and professionally. Give us a call for a free double pane window quote. We fix all types of dual pane windows that has been fogged up by leaky seals.
Foggy Window Repair Call for a free quote: 714-848-3109
Why do my windows get fogged up?

Get your foggy window fixed or replaced
To find out perform a preliminary fogged window check:
Looking at your fogged window; is the moisture on the outside, inside or in between the double glass pane? This will help identify where the moisture if coming from to begin with.
Moisture on Outside of Window
If there is moisture on the outside of the window this has occurred because the temperature outside is higher than inside. This can happen on hot humid days. When a large difference between these two temperatures occur is when the outside fog occurs.
Moisture on Inside of Window
If there is moisture occurring on the inside of the window this is due to a lower temperature outside and a higher temperature inside accompanied by indoor condensation. Implementing a dehumidifier may alleviate the indoor window fog in this case.
Moisture In Between Double Pane or Dual Pane Window
If the moisture is getting trapped inside of your window, in between the panes this is most likely due to a broken window seal. As a window ages the seals often crack and break, allowing moisture to get trapped between the double panes. Typically window seal failure occurs on windows that receive the most sunlight because the sun exposure wears down the window seal more quickly.
Fogged Window Solution
Repairing the broken seal in insulated glass windows is not feasibly possible so replacing the glass in the frame is best the solution. Choosing the right window replacement is key to providing you with long lasting windows that insulate properly and weather the effects of the sun. More often, a foggy windows needs replacing. If your windows are no longer covered by warranty and you have a broken seal, it’s possible you only need to replace the window sash and not the entire window, depending on the type of window you have. Nicks Glass and Mirror specialize in repairing & replacing broken or functional dual pane windows.